Our Commitment To Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The AMA Chapter Pledge
We believe marketing has the power to make a difference. As innovators, strategizers, ambassadors, and storytellers, we shape narratives that communicate value, create meaning, and establish societal norms.
As chapter leaders in the AMA, we recognize that there is inequity in our marketing community and organization and that we can do more to address these gaps. We will use our platform to better help individuals and companies support diversity, equity, and inclusion in the industry, beginning with centering and amplifying the voices of our black, brown, and indigenous communities (BIPOC). As a chapter of the American Marketing Association and as marketers representing a diverse set of industries and disciplines:
- We commit to recruiting and retaining BIPOC representation within our board of directors, volunteers, and membership.
- We commit to increasing BIPOC representation throughout our thought leadership, campaigns, and programming.
- We commit to building a pipeline of marketers that reflect the demographics of the diverse population we serve.
- We commit to partnering with organizations that value diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- We commit to further educating ourselves and will use our platform to facilitate courageous conversations that promote anti-bias and anti-racism within the marketing community.
Together, we will use the power of our collective voices to outline the roles marketers can play in standing for and delivering on inclusion; the ideals, values, and principles that promote equality, respect, and unity.